Davis Attention Mastery Program
Drug free solutions for ADD/ADHD
The Davis Attention Mastery Program provides individuals with
effective tools to correct problems with hyperactivity, hypoactivity,
inability to focus, difficulty staying on task, and inappropriate social
"When someone masters something, it becomes
a part of that person. It becomes part of the individual's thought and
creative process. It adds the quality of its essence to all subsequent
thought and creativity of the individual." --Ronald D. Davis
What is different about the drug-free Davis approach
The Davis approach goes to the root causes of why some
people have problems controlling their attention, energy level, and
social interaction, and resolves them. These root causes are:
- they experience the passage of time inconsistently
they think in images rather than in words
they are highly imaginative
they have little or no concept of self as separate from
and/or in relation to others
they have little or no concept of time, sequence,
order, cause, effect, or consequence.
These characteristics are part of a unique thinking style
shared by 15-20% of the population. This thinking style is often
associated with the labels, ADD or ADHD. When confused, distracted, or
curious, their perceptions shift in one or more of the primary senses
resulting in some of the following behaviors:
Time (a shift in the time sense or internal clock)
When a person experiences a shift in their time sense, they
can show increased or decreased energy levels with regard to strength
and stamina. If a person's internal clock speeds up, they may experience
two or three minutes while others are experiencing only one. This
person would exhibit an unusually high energy level. They would appear
hyperactive. The reverse is also true, if the internal clock goes
slower, that individual would experience less time than the rest of us
and the energy level would appear lower than normal. They would appear
Movement (a shift in the senses of balance and
When a person experiences a shift in their sense of
movement, they can feel as if they are moving when they are actually
sitting still. When they begin to move, the feeling reverses and they
feel less motion. The person may be moving all or some part of their
body and would be unaware of that motion until someone pointed it out to
them. This behavior is their compensation for their inaccurate feeling
of motion and can look like restlessness (can't sit still). This shift
can affect the person's balance which may cause them to be clumsy. In
some cases, the harder the individual tries to sit still, the more the
sensation of movement increases. Some individuals experience motion
sickness, nausea, headaches, or a stomachache as a result of this
inaccurate perception of movement.
Social Interaction (a shift in hearing and/or
seeing accurately)
When someone has shifted their perception, the things that
are being said to them may be misunderstood or not heard at all.
Non-verbal communications such as body language and facial expressions
can be misinterpreted or not seen at all. Their responses can seem
inappropriate or they may appear to be defiant. They will hear what they
want to hear, see what they want to see, and react accordingly.
These perceptual distortions and the lack of the key
concepts described above can manifest as impulsivity, difficulty taking
turns, inattention, problems organizing, or difficulty following rules
or instructions. Davis Attention Mastery resolves the perceptual
distortions and provides self-management tools for eliminating the
unwanted symptoms of ADD/ADHD.
What improvements can be expected?
- Increased self-esteem
- Ability to control energy level
- Improved self-management in social situations
- Improved ability to maintain attention focus
Eligibility and Scheduling:
The Davis Attention Mastery Program is provided to
individuals ages eight and up, who are primarily motivated to resolve
difficulties with attention, behavioral issues, and/or social
interactions. Individuals who are taking prescribed medications for
controlling behavior or attention are required to consult their
physician prior to discontinuing such medication.* An initial assessment and interview would determine the ideal strategy and
estimated duration for this program.
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*The above information is in no way intended as medical
advice or as a substitute for medical counseling.
Copyright © 2003 by Reading Research Council. World
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